Eterna South Africa


US EB-3 Program:

Start Living the American Dream, The U.S. government created the unskilled workers EB-3 Visa Program to help U.S. employers facing severe labor shortages for entry-level jobs, allowing them to sponsor foreign nationals and fill job openings in exchange for U.S. green cards

Companies across several industries have turned to the EB-3 to solve their long-term staffing issues. The American workforce now faces one of the worst labor shortages in history, and the EB-3 visa provides a much a needed solution.   With limited options available for most foreign nationals, The EB-3 unskilled Visa is growing in popularity, because it provides a legitimate and viable route to achieving the goal of permanent US Residency for foreign nationals and their families.

EB-3 Requirements:

  • EB -3 Unskilled jobs are all entry-level 

    1. No training requirements 
    2. No experience requirements
    3. No education requirements 

The EB-3 services that we will provide include the following

  • Employer sponsorship, matching the EB-3 applicants with highly qualified employers, makes this most difficult step easy.  

    Job selection, help clients review and select the most suitable option from the job opportunities we have available. 

    Relocation assistance, assist clients with their move for a smooth transition to their new U.S. location of employment. 


  • Permanent U.S residency unlike other types of work visas: the EB3 visa does not have an expiration date. This means that once an individual has been approved for the Eb-3 visa, they are able to live and work in the United States indefinitely, this is a significant advantage for many foreign workers, as it allows them to build a life and career in the United States without the uncertainty and stress of having to reapply for a visa every few years. 

    Pathway to citizenship, once the holder of the EB-3 visa meets the requirements of the naturalization process, they can become a U.S citizen and gain access to additional Federal benefits. 

    Dependent Visas: EB-3 Visa Holders are able to bring their spouse and minor children with them to the United States. These dependents are also able to live and work in the United States indefinitely, as long as the primary visa holder remains in legal status. 


Capital: Washington, D.C.
Major cities: New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago
Population: 331 million (2021)
GDP: $21.4 trillion (2021)
Average Income: $56,000

EB-3 Process
Sign Up for the EB- 3 application. 
Job Selection 
Permanent Labor Certification 
Visa Processing
Visa Interview 
Green Card Approved 
Start working
The Eterna EB-3 package includes
EB-3 visa consulting.
U.S employer job placement 
Immigration attorney fees 
U.S Government fees 
Dedicated client success manager 
U.S relocation guide 

There are no minimum education, training, or experience requirements. It is for entry-level unskilled jobs. 

Cooks, dishwashers, cashiers, janitors, construction laborers, drivers, and food service, hospitality, or agriculture workers.  

Yes, you need an employer willing to sponsor you and prove they cannot find a qualified US worker. 

Around 12-18 months typically, if there are no delays or backlogs. 

Yes, your spouse and unmarried children under 21 can get green cards as your dependents. 

Yes, once you have the green card you can change employers without affecting your status. 

No, there is no annual limit on the number of EB-3 visas issued. 

Yes, you cannot self-petition for EB-3, the employer must sponsor you. 

No, once issued the EB-3 green card does not expire and is valid indefinitely.  

You typically must hold a green card for 5 continuous years before applying for naturalization.